Ellen Muriel
22 years old, from England:
» Being born into a country with free education for all, growing up in relative peace, having the freedom to express your personal and political values, having a passport which allows you safe passage worldwide.
These are all privileges which we do not earn, instead these are rights which a small percentage of the world are just lucky enough to be born into.
That's all it comes down to – luck.
And therefore those of us who lucked out have a responsibility to support those
putting their lives on the line to find the same for themselves and their families.
In whatever way and by whatever means possible.
Trying to stop human beings from seeking basic human rights and punishing
those who succeed is criminal.
Europe has the means to deal with this situation in a humane way, there is no excuse to sit back and watch it happen.
I have a background in theatre, music and art and a big passion for travel.
After spending time in Asia and the Middle East I ventured to Europe and became tied up in this mad situation which I can now no longer ignore. «